Stormwater Treatment Solutions – Objectives
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) objectives and principles are now applied to most urban developments with the aim of minimising adverse impacts that a development may have on the natural ecosystem.
The objective of stormwater treatment is to achieve a real, visible, and sustainable improvement in water quality. Treatment measures, such as gross pollutant traps, litter baskets, sediment basins, grass swales, infiltration and bio-filtration systems, and sand filters reduce the level and concentration of a range of pollutants, thereby enhancing water quality.
Best management practices for stormwater treatment
Best Management Practices require planners and developers to apply a fit-for-purpose treatment-train approach to stormwater treatment because no one measure can remove all of the pollutants typically present in a catchment. Adopting such an approach is the key to achieving water quality objectives (WQOs), although the designed interaction of the different measures will vary depending on site characteristics, the catchment, and the needs of the receiving ecosystem. It is essential that WQOs are established as part of the conceptual design process for a development.
A treatment-train approach to stormwater management involves a range of measures,
(primary, secondary, and tertiary) that work together to enhance water quality.
To be a leading provider
of quality services that
sustain and enhance
the environment in
which we live and the
communities in which
we operate.”